International Conference on Construction, Architecture and Technosphere Safety

Browse Author Index

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Abdulnagimov, Ansaf, Ufa State Aviation Technical University
Abdulov, Alexander
Abramenkov, Alexander, Institute of Control Sciences of Russian Academy of Sciences
Abramov, Daniil, Department of Building Constructions of Tver State Technical University, Tver 170026, Russia.
Akhmetova, Dinara, Ufa State Aviation Technical University
Akhobadze, Gurami Nikolaevich, Institute of Control Sciences Academician VA Trapeznikov
Akmaev, Oleg, Ufa State Aviation Technical University, Ufa, Russia
Al Khoury, Akram, Moscow State Technological University "Stankin"
Alan, Alimuradov, University of Penza
Alexandr, Burmaka, not
Alimuradov, Alan Kazanferovich, Research and Development Department, Penza State University Penza, Russia
Andreev, Sergey, MSTU
Anikin, Aleksandr
Antamoshkin, Oleslav
Artur, Maria, Samara State Technical University
Astafiev, Alexandr Vladimirovich, Vladimir State University
Aung, Naing Linn, RusAutoCon
Avdeev, Artem Romanovich, Volgograd State Technical University


Babichenko, Andrey Viktorovich, Bauman Moscow State Technical University
Babin, Alexander, Orel State University
Baldenkov, Aleksandr, South Ural State University<br />
Baranov, Alexander Yurievich, ITMO University<br />
Baskov, Sergey, South Ural State University
Batishchev, Denis V., Platov South-Russian State Polytechnic University (NPI)

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International Conference on Construction, Architecture and Technosphere Safety